Late summer sunset sky in New England
by Lilia S
Buy the Original Painting
24.000 x 18.000 x 1.000 inches
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Late summer sunset sky in New England
Lilia S
Painting - Artwork, Oil Over Acrylic Painting
It was early September and day was rainy, but when the Golden hour arrived sky turned into an explosion of colors and eventually (later on) into beautiful bright 3 rings of the rainbow. I was so lucky to witness a beauty of that sunset and just had to paint some images of that gorgeous evening.
February 24th, 2018
Comments (3)
Laurel Adams
Lilia, SO excited to see your entries all of which sizzle with your amazing palette and dreamy brush MAGIC… Best to you
Gary F Richards
Excellent composition, lighting, shading, colors and artwork! F/L …voted for this piece in the contest YOUR VERY BEST 2